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2018-07-06 浏览次数:671

1. Radial Compression to Transiently Achieve Higher Beta Poloidal in a Tokamak,屈鲁,李格, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 0093-3813445),P816-P820,(2016.05

2. The Design of PSM-Based ECRH Power Supply Control System,张健,郝旭,黄懿赟,Journal of Power and Energy Engineering2327-588X44),P91-P102,(2016.04))

3. Design and Application of a New Control System for ECRH PSM Power Supply,郝旭,张健,黄懿赟,Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids (Incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology)1042-01501713-4),P297-P306,(2016.05

4. 基于时分隔离技术的充电模式的研究,毛萌,刘立新,金国卫,邝凡,黄懿赟,电源技术,1002-087X403),P645-P661,(2016.03

5. Design of Coolant Distribution System (CDS) for ITER PF AC/DC Converter,郭斌,宋执权,傅鹏,许雪松,李传,王敏,董琳,Fusion Engineering and Design0920-3796108P21-P27,(2016.05

6. Magnetic Flux Analysis of the EAST Vertical Field,屈鲁,李格,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE0093-3813448),P1419-P1423,(2016.08

7. Upgrade of the Synchronous Data Management System of the EAST Poloidal Field Power Supply,朱黎黎,黄连生,傅鹏,高格,何诗英,Fusion Engineering and Design0920-3796112P218-P224,(2016.08

8. The Design on the Real-Time Wavelet Filter for ITER PF AC/DC Converter Control System,陈晓娇,黄连生,傅鹏,高格,何诗英,沈君,朱黎黎,董琳,IEEE transactions on plasma science0093-3813447),P1178-P1186,(2016.07

9. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of the EAST PF converter for PF control system upgrade,陈晓娇,傅鹏,黄连生,高格,何诗英,Fusion Engineering and Design0920-3796112P57-P66,(2016.08

10. Fault-tolerant design of local controller for the poloidal field converter control system on ITER,沈君,傅鹏,高格,何诗英,黄连生,朱黎黎,陈晓娇,Fusion Engineering and Design0920-3796112P261-P268,(2016.11

11. Thermal Dissipation Modeling and Design of ITER PF Converter Alternating Current Busbar,郭斌,宋执权,傅鹏,蒋力,李金超,王敏,董琳,Plasma Science and Technology1009-06301810),P1049-P1054,(2016.03

12. Prediction of Temperature Rise in Water-Cooling DC Busbar Through Coupled Force and Natural Convection Thermal-Fluid Analysis,郭斌,宋执权,傅鹏,蒋力,王敏,董琳,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE0093-3813PP99),P1-P7,(2016.06

13. 核聚变装置中直流保护开关的研究进展,李华,宋执权,汪舒生,卢应峣,傅鹏,中国电机工程学报, 0258-801336s),P233-P239,(2016.09