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2018-07-06 浏览次数:393

1. Dynamic Performance of the ITER Reactive Power Compensation System, SHENG Zhicai, Fu Peng, Xu Liuwei, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.13, No.5Oct. 2011,p.637-640

2. EAST快控电源逆变器Bang-Bang控制实现,杨红,黄海宏,秦品健,高格,电力电子技术,Vol.45,No.7,2011, p.106-113                            

3. An Improvement on Current Sharing Characteristics of Poloidal Field(PF) AC-DC Converters,  CHEN Peng, FU Peng, SONG Zhiquang, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.13, No.4Aug. 2011p.497-501                              

4. Design of Balanced Reactor Welded with Water-Cooled Aluminum Busbars, CHEN Peng, FU Peng, SONG Zhiquang, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.13, No.2Apr. 2011p.242-245                                                     

5. The Design of High Voltage DC Power Supply of 4.6GHZ/500MW LHCD, Xu Hao, YiYun Huang, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols.135-136, No.22012,p.1027-1036

6. HT-7上中性束诊断系统高压电源充电机特性研究张健韦维黄懿赟刘保华郭文军,沈晓岭,核电子学与探测技术Vol.31, No.52011,  p.551-554

7. EAST 外杜瓦协同仿真技术的研究,朱哲,傅鹏,朱银锋,低温与超导,Vol.39No.32011p.8-29                                                   

8. ITER 纵场的电磁分析与电源系统的概念设计,朱哲,傅鹏,朱银锋,黄荣林,低温与超导,Vol.39, No.62011,  p.28-32                             

9. The Engineering Design of NB Snubber, Ge Li, Haitian Wang, Liang Cao, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol.18, No.42011,  p.1097-1103  

10. Flue Gas Treatment and Carbon Recycling for Clean Electric Energy, Ge Li, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol.18, No.42011,  p.1287-1292 

11. The Control System of the 100KV HVPS for NBI,  S. M. Pan, P. Fu, L. YANG, C. D. Hu, 2011 IEEE/NPSS 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, USA, 2011       

12. Upgrade of Converter Unit of EAST Poloidal Field Power Supply, G. Gao, Lsh Huang, LJ tang, Shy He and P. Fu, 2011 IEEE/NPSS 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, USA, 2011                                                        

13. EAST极向场电源控制系统的EMC接地设计,王林森,汤伦军,高格,傅鹏,电力电子技术,第45卷,第12期,2011年,p101-103